- Overview
- Senior School Resources
- Transition to Senior School
- Senior School Awards
Senior School students at Bunbury Senior High School are provided every opportunity to reach their academic potential.
Our approach is based on treating our students as young adults and providing them with comprehensive support to develop the skills and attributes required to successfully transition into future work, training and educational pathways.
As a school, we are very proud of how our students conduct themselves and of the outcomes that are achieved.
Our students are supported by an exceptional group of educators who develop strong relationships based on the School Values of Learning, Collaboration, Diversity, Courage and Wellbeing. Being recognised as the 2019 WA Secondary School of the Year is testimony to the quality of our philosophy and approach.
Senior School students invariably exit Bunbury Senior High School having developed an enduring connection to the school community.
We value your child, and our commitment to you is to provide your child with an education that is second to none.
Welcome to the Senior School journey!

Senior School Resources
Syllabus outlines for all senior school courses are found on the SCSA website. In addition, students can use the WACE Checker to determine whether they are on track to receive their WACE. For Year 12s the Student Portal is a crucial link to receiving the WACE, plus final results for all courses, certificates and endorsed programs at the end of the year.
TISC provides the following services:
- Processing of applications for admission to undergraduate courses at the above Universities
- Conducting the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT).
- Administering the Western Australian Universities Foundation Program (WAUFP).
- Publishing periodic School Circulars.
- Scaling WACE results and calculating ATARs for students in Western Australia.
Senior School Assessment Policy
Student Examination Handbook Semester 2 2024
Sickness and Misadventure Application Form
For examination dates, visit our the Examination Timetable page Here

Specialist VASP program

The Bunbury Senior High School Visual Arts Specialist Program (VASP) has been developed to help maximise the potential of talented students in the area of Visual Arts.
Students will have access to a unique, specialist program delivered by highly qualified staff throughout Years 7 - 12. In the Visual Arts Specialist Program students will learn through engagement in two-dimensional, three-dimensional and four-dimensional art and design practice, concept, theory, history and technique based on traditional, contemporary and commercial Visual Arts practice. To this end the program will facilitate four weekly contact hours. Two hours will be in Visual Arts, one hour in English and one hour in ICT throughout Year 7, expanding commitment and specialisation in Years 8, 9 and 10. The advanced level of skills taught will result in students being eligible for Vocational Education and Training (VET) certification in Visual Arts upon successful completion. Students will then undertake Visual Arts and/or Certificate ll and lll in Visual Arts, Applied Information Technology (AIT) and English or Literature in Year 11. Students will also be expected to attend Bunbury Regional Art Galleries for exhibitions and artist floor talks as well as other scheduled excursions.
LEARNING OUTCOMESThe Visual Arts have direct relationships with other subjects and these relationships are a key aspect of this program: Visual literacy and critical literacy skills will enable students to access knowledge, make meaning, express thoughts, emotions and ideas, interact with others and participate in a range of communication activities, using a range of printed, audio, visual and digital materials. Numeracy will be an implicit component of the program as students are asked to learn, design, make, create, evaluate and complete activities that require significant numeracy skills.
Throughout the program students will develop and use advanced information communication technology (ICT) skills through forming ideas, processes and solutions to challenges or tasks. In addition to this, students will:
- recognise the shaping role of arts in their immediate family and environment,
- understand how different cultures and groups use arts, and how arts reinforces social diversity,
- understand how arts confirm and change values,
- recognise the economic significance of arts, and the environmental impact that some arts forms can have,
- use the process of 'design, make, appraise' in the development of arts works and documentation of art making process,
- design web sites and art works using desktop publishing and computers,
- use language comprehensively to engage with arts experiences.
Bunbury Senior High School takes a long-term view of the involvement of students in The Arts.
In addition to any Arts-related outcomes, our students have the opportunity to participate in Senior School courses leading to University programs or to TAFE.
All students that participate in the specialist program will start their VET Certificate I in Visual Arts in Year 10 with the option of an Australian Tertiary Admission
Rank (ATAR) pathway, continuing to Certificate ll and/or lll in Visual Arts in Years 11 and 12. Students will spend four hours per week of curriculum time in the program in Years 7-10.
Students will spend four hours each week of curriculum time in the program in Years 7-10. In Years 11-12, the allocation will be a minimum 4 hours depending on student's
course selections.
There is a cost associated with participating in this program. In Year 10 VASP students will have the opportunity to participate in a week-long excursion to Melbourne designed to
support learning and awareness of future educational and vocational arts-related activities. Participation is non-compulsory (but highly recommended). Please see current Contributions & Charges handbook for more information on costs for the VASP Program.
Most students will enter the Program in Year 7. A small number of vacancies may occur in other year groups.
A selection process will be used to identify suitable students. Consideration will be given to each student's focus on learning, perceived artistic ability and
potential for role-modelling. The student’s current school may be asked to provide a reference. All students moving from primary school will be invited to a
testing session held at Bunbury Senior High School.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school to clarify any aspects of the program. Direct your enquiries to Head of the Arts on 9797 8900
or by email at: bunbury.shs@education.wa.edu.au
Follow VASP on Facebook
Bunbury SHS VASP Facebook:Specialist BEST Program

The Bunbury Elite Sports Training (BEST) Program is an endorsed Department of Education Specialist Program only available at Bunbury Senior High School. The program has been developed to help maximise the potential of talented students in the areas of sport and sport science.
BEST students participate in a 6 year program based on contemporary sport science training principles for talented junior athletes. Our commitment is to support your child to be a self-managing athlete with outstanding age-related levels of fitness and sport science knowledge.
BACKGROUNDCommunity sport provides excellent opportunities for children to develop their individual skills, particularly as they move into representative squads and teams. The BEST Program value-adds to this by focusing strongly on student's conditioning. Specifically, this includes development of the following aspects of performance:
- Cardio-respiratory endurance
- Speed (including skill and power aspects)
- Power
- Strength
- Agility
- Flexibility
- Core Stability
In addition to this, students will develop their understanding of recovery procedures, nutrition planning, specific injury management, generic tactics and strategies, sport psychology, coaching and officiating.
The BEST Program won't develop students' skills in one particular sport exclusively; students will have the opportunity to work in a range of sporting contexts while in the program to develop their physical literacy. BEST involves demanding activity programs, sport and classroom lessons. While sports-minded students will find many aspects fun, the program is not designed to be fun! Our aim is ensure each student maximises their athletic potential, thereby providing them with the BEST opportunity to succeed in their sport of choice.
PATHWAYSIn addition to any sport-related outcomes, BEST students have the opportunity to participate in Senior School courses leading to University programs or to TAFE. Our cutting edge Physical Education Studies program, the availability of in-house Certificate II courses and our established links with TAFE ensure all students are given the best opportunity to succeed, whatever their chosen vocation.
Bunbury SHS is a registered Coaching and Officiating Agency through the Department of Sport and Recreation and the Australian Sports Commission, enabling us to train and accredit students in umpiring and coaching. In each year BEST students will have the opportunity to participate in camps and/or excursions designed to support their learning, performance and awareness of future sport-related opportunities.
Students will spend four hours per week of curriculum time in the program in Years 7-10. Currently this results in the completion of one less Arts and Technologies subject in Years 7-9. Students involved in BEST will not be able to participate in the school's Specialist Visual Arts Program. In Years 11-12, the course will be up to 4 hours per week which is dependant on each student's course selections.
There is a cost associated with particpating in this program. Upon enrolment, students are also required to purchase specialised clothing and replace them as necessary thereafter. Year 10 students will be offered the opportunity to travel to the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra for a live-in camp. This is non-compulsory (but highly recommended). Please see the current Contributions & Charges handbook for more information on costs for the BEST Program.
Most students will enter the program in Year 7. A small number of vacancies may occur in other year groups. A selection process will be used to identify suitable students. Consideration will be given to each student's history of sports achievement, perceived athletic ability, focus on learning and potential for positive role-modelling. Additionally, each student's current school will be asked to provide a reference. All students moving from primary school will be invited to a fitness evaluation. Upon completion of the application process a class of 25 students will be selected.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school to clarify any aspects of the program. Direct your inquiries to Program Coordinator of Health & Physical Education, on 9797 8900 or by email at: bunbury.shs@education.wa.edu.au
Gifted & Talented Program

Our unique academic face-to-face program provides a challenging curriculum designed to support the growth of individual students to their full potential. Students will have the opportunity to develop as self-motivated, independent learners and community leaders. Only available regionally at Bunbury Senior High School, your child will learn alongside like-minded peers and will be taught by teachers with expert skills and knowledge. Applications close 12 months in advance of the school entry year (for example, January of Year 6 for Year 7 entry). You can apply for the program regardless of where you live in Western Australia and, if successful, your child is guaranteed a place at our school.
ORGANISATIONStudents within each cohort are grouped together for the learning areas of English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities. This allows lesson material to be targeted towards the needs of gifted students and allows students to be accelerated and/or to explore learning in more detail. Grouping gifted students together also allows them to work with like-minded others in a learning environment which is rigorous and intellectually stimulating. Collectively, students are challenged by an accelerated and differentiated curriculum that values higher order thinking and critical literacy in a student-centred environment.
Aspects of study and the complementary activities within our program are organised with a specific theme in each year. This thematic approach describes a learning journey for each student:
- Year 7 - Discovery
- Year 8 - Community
- Year 9 - Diversity
- Year 10 - Opportunity
In addition to enrichment in the classroom, students within the program participate in a range of incursions, excursions and competitions. The activities are chosen to challenge students' thinking, expose them to new ideas and to showcase possible career options.
A range of committed staff take responsibility for ensuring each student's learning needs are met and that they are supported emotionally and socially.
Fees for classes are normally the same as those for mainstream students. A wide range of extracurricular activities, including camps, are utilised within the program to support learning, extension and enrichment. Some of these are subsidised. Full details of anticipated program costs for parents are outlined in the Financial Information for Parents document.
Selective entry testing is conducted by the Department of Education. Registrations for testing can be accessed through our school website. Note: Applications close a full 12 months in advance of the student's entry year. Parents can find out how to apply for the program Here
Transition to Senior School
Senior School Handbook 2025
It is important that parents study this booklet closely in order to be able to guide their children effectively. Students are expected to discuss their plans with parents at each stage of their schooling at Bunbury Senior High School.
Parents are urged to contact teachers if further guidance is needed.
The curriculum contains both compulsory and elective subjects which enable students to further expand in their areas of personal interest.
SR TAFE Training Options Bunbury Campus 2025
BRTTC Prospectus 2025
BRTTC Application Form 2025
Health Science Hub website

Senior School Awards
The below document outlines the criteria used for academic awards at senior school level. The tables have been split into three to indicate the progress from Year 11 to the completion of Year 12. Each year of senior schooling has its own separate criteria to recognise high academic achievement in that year.
Completion of senior schooling is the higher accolade and will be presented over eligibility for Excellence in Year 12 only.
The Senior School Awards criteria can be downloaded Here