Thanks to the following staff members for sharing their story with us
Dave Waddell - Teacher Information Technology
WHY DID YOU BECOME A TEACHER? As a teacher of high school students, we see the transition of our students from young kids to young adults. Its rewarding to observe this and to share in this exciting part of their lives. Its a fun job and I like the unpredictability of young people (most of the time!). WHAT INSPIRES YOU AS A TEACHER? Speaking to present and past students about their successes in life. Particularly bumping into former students who tell me about their study, and work successes. As a teacher, you feel a small part of this success. It's also cool when a class is learning a new skill on the computers, they are quiet, then as the excitement grows they start showing their friends what they are creating. That's great to watch. WHAT'S SO GREAT ABOUT WORKING AT BUNBURY SHS?I think the feeling of community you get from teaching at a school that has a long history in town. Many ex-students send their kids to us, some going back generations. I also admire how Bunbury High performs well both academically, in sport and in cultural activities. We have a lot to be proud of. WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE QUOTE? A man that chases two rabbits, catches neither. (Chinese Proverb)Elizabeth Poller - Teacher Careers & Business
WHY DID YOU BECOME A TEACHER? To make a difference in my student's lives and help them to achieve their future goals WHAT INSPIRES YOU AS A TEACHER? To make a difference in my student's lives and help them to achieve their future goals. WHAT'S SO GREAT ABOUT WORKING AT BUNBURY SHS?The staff, the students and of course the view!! WHAT OTHER SCHOOLS HAVE YOU WORKED AT?Fairbank Grammar (Melbourne), John Forrest SHS, Balga SHS, Forrestfield SHS WHAT DO YOU DO TO RELAX OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL?Go to the gym, hike, fish, scuba dive and travel. WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE QUOTE? "The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today." (H Jackson Brown Jr)Billie Court- Teacher Music
WHY DID YOU BECOME A TEACHER? I wanted to share what I have learnt about music over the past 20 years 2 and I want to teach both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students in order to effect change within our community in the future. WHAT INSPIRES YOU AS A TEACHER? The students when they gain understanding and demonstrate their creativity. WHAT'S SO GREAT ABOUT WORKING AT BUNBURY SHS?The students, the staff and the view! WHAT OTHER SCHOOLS HAVE YOU WORKED AT?Briefly at Girrawheen SHS. I also did my pracs at Ballajura Community College, Methodist Ladies' College and Lakeland SHS. WHAT DO YOU DO TO RELAX OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL?I play tennis (when I'm not injured), gardening, I sometimes crochet... play with my cat, sing etc. WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE QUOTE? Could be better, could be worse...Cam Allan - Teacher Health & Physical Education
WHY DID YOU BECOME A TEACHER? I've always loved sport. WHAT INSPIRES YOU AS A TEACHER? The students. WHAT'S SO GREAT ABOUT WORKING AT BUNBURY SHS?Great staff and great students. Also the surrounding environment is hard to beat. WHAT OTHER SCHOOLS HAVE YOU WORKED AT?Kununurra DHS, Coodanup Community College, College Row School. WHAT DO YOU DO TO RELAX OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL?Spending time with my family, Camping, Fishing, Hiking, Mountain Bike Riding. WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE QUOTE? You can't win unless you learn how to lose..Luke Marinoni - Teacher Mathematics
WHY DID YOU BECOME A TEACHER? I was at university doing a course I didn't like and wanted to change to something different. About 5 people said "Why don't you become a teacher? I think you would make a great teacher." So I did and I can't think of anything I would rather do. WHAT INSPIRES YOU AS A TEACHER?When you see a previous student outside of school and they tell you about what they are doing with their life. To think I have influenced that person evenly minutely is both inspiring and rewarding. WHAT'S SO GREAT ABOUT WORKING AT BUNBURY SHS?Besides the view? Working with some quality professionals and teaching students who want to achieve their best. WHAT OTHER SCHOOLS HAVE YOU WORKED AT?Kojonup District High School and Newton Moore Senior High School. WHAT DO YOU DO TO RELAX OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL?I love to read and watch movies. Listening to live music is also great. WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE QUOTE? "Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence" - Calvin CoolidgeHarrison Platt - Teacher English
WHY DID YOU BECOME A TEACHER?I became a teacher because, from a young age, I saw the power that language holds over how the world works. The way I see it, the better our command of a language, the better positioned we are to change the world around us. For good, where possible. WHAT INSPIRES YOU AS A TEACHER?My favourite poems and stories inspire me greatly. I'm most inspired though, when students really dive into the world of a narrative in front of them. WHAT'S SO GREAT ABOUT WORKING AT BUNBURY SHS?Besides the obvious references to our nearby sandy shores, the sense of collegiality is what makes me love working here. Bunbury High, as individual departments and as a whole school, works very well as a team. WHAT OTHER SCHOOLS HAVE YOU WORKED AT?I worked briefly in other schools during my prac days, and have spent a fair bit of time in Perth teaching English as a Second Language. Bunbury is my first Big Gig! WHAT DO YOU DO TO RELAX OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL?Surfing or anything ocean based is what makes me feel free. Getting outdoors and camping allows me to truly relax. On a day to day basis though, I'm a huge geek at heart and I love my PC games. WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE QUOTE?Don't judge a person by the cards they are dealt. Judge them by the way they play their hand.Renee Dowling - Teacher Mathematics
WHY DID YOU BECOME A TEACHER? I became a teacher for the satisfaction of helping others and possibly making a difference in their lives but also because it allows me the opportunity to always further my own learning and personal growth. WHAT INSPIRES YOU AS A TEACHER? My inspiration changes all the time! But mostly it's the students. Watching them during those 'lightbulb' moments or seeing them progress and become confident individuals is by far the best part of my job. WHAT'S SO GREAT ABOUT WORKING AT BUNBURY SHS?The location and view are definite contenders! The collegiality and support of staff members makes coming to work enjoyable. WHAT OTHER SCHOOLS HAVE YOU WORKED AT?Boulder Primary School - Year 5 and Physical Education WHAT DO YOU DO TO RELAX OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL?I try to catch up with friends and family in Perth or Bunbury as much as I can. I play basketball or go to the gym. I love going to the slammers basketball games or watching NBA or AFL at home. Tv shows, movies and PS4 are always good for some after school downtime. However, my absolute favourite thing to do is head north to my family's beach shack, take a good book, my music and a jigsaw puzzle and get away from everything. WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE QUOTE? "The expert in anything was once a beginner"Catherine Simmonds - Teacher Science
WHY DID YOU BECOME A TEACHER?Before I became a teacher I was an environmental scientist. While the work was rewarding I missed having contact with other people in my day to day work. Teaching is rewarding and all about people, so it is the perfect job for me. WHAT INSPIRES YOU AS A TEACHER?I love seeing students grow as learners and human beings. It makes all of the effort worthwhile. WHAT'S SO GREAT ABOUT WORKING AT BUNBURY SHS?Bunbury SHS has a great mix of staff and students. The students are generally happy and motivated young people and the staff genuinely care about the job that they do, so it is a very positive place to work. WHAT OTHER SCHOOLS HAVE YOU WORKED AT?Before I came to Bunbury Senior High School I worked at ECU. Other schools that I have worked at include St Luke's College in Karratha and Jabiru Area School. WHAT DO YOU DO TO RELAX OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL?I have two kids, a husband, a farm, a dog, two horses and the list goes on. When I am not at school I try to spend as much time as I can outside doing "farm things" and working on my veggie garden. WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE QUOTE?I'm not really a quote kind of person. If I need a bit of extra motivation I know that other people are relying on me..
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